Saturday, July 15, 2023

Who Powerwashes a Pineapple Under the Sea? Me!

At the end of June the newest DLC for the magnificent PowerWash Simulator was released--the Spongebob Squarepants pack!  Even though my knowledge and experience with the Spongebob franchise is fairly limited (I did not grow up with it like many younger folks did but have a passing familiarity with the characters and general vibe from pop culture and a few short experiences watching it), I snatched it right up because I enjoy the game and am down for any new opportunities for additional gameplay.  I had a nice time with it and the $7.99 price tag makes it an affordable way to enjoy more content.

Conch Street needs some cleaning!


+ If you're a fan of Spongebob Squarepants the nostalgia factor will probably hit you pretty hard.  The DLC includes locations and objects central to the show--Conch Street, home to Spongebob, Patrick, and Squidward; The Chum Bucket and Krusty Krab; and the Underwater Bus are a few of the six new cleaning jobs that are featured.  The locations all have that cartoony feeling the matches the show.

+ New Spongebob washer and character skin.  (You can really only see the character skin during the summary gifs at the end of the level)

+ The locations/objects to clean are (mostly) fairly small and relatively simple.  Of the six new objects/locations to clean, the whackiest to clean is the invisible boatmobile.  It's invisible, so as you clean it, actually being able to see it gets harder (you can still see a vague outline).  The final location (which I won't give away because it is tied to the story/plot of the pack) is probably the most complicated to clean (and it's still small compared to some of the locations in the base game).


- It's fairly short and if you're hoping for larger, more complex maps--it's not that.  (However, if you want shorter/smaller locations, you might like this fact).

- No new purchases/additional items from the store.  The skins in the DLC appear to be specific to the DLC and not something you could purchase and then carry over into the rest of the game.

Buy it or skip it?

As a big fan of PowerWash Simulator, I will happily scoop up any new content.  I think that if you're either a fan of the game of a fan of Spongebob this new DLC will scratch a nice itch.  It's only $7.99, so it's not going to break the bank, but you also shouldn't expect a ton of new content (it's 6 new locations/objects).  I had fun cleaning everything even though I didn't fully understand them the way a Spongebob fan might.

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