Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Holy Patch Notes! 1.3 is Nigh-ish (Cyberpunk 2077)

The full 1.3 patch notes for Cyberpunk 2077 have been revealed...and woo boy are they lengthy.  (View them here)  I saw somewhere that the patch size was 38 gigs (*this is from a forum post, so not anything official)...it's a biggun.  So, what are the highs and lows of this crazy list?

The good news is that some of that sweet, sweet free DLC is happening--mostly in the form of new items.

Johnny is getting a new look!

1.) Johnny Silverhand will be getting an alternative outfit that can be toggled on/off.  Cool, I guess?

2.) V will get access to two new jacket types in his/her stash after progressing through a specific mission.  It appears that these items are rare/iconic and can be upgraded.  I love the jackets and have been hoping for more rare/iconic items, so I'm excited for this.

3.) A new vehicle type that is tied to a mission in the Badlands (Archer Quartz "Bandit"--I'm going to assume that it's a nomad version of a Quartz).  According to the notes, players will either receive the vehicle as a reward or can purchase it (it's dependent on choices made during a certain mission).  I'm always down for more vehicles (*this, despite the fact that I usually find one that I really like and then only use it).

The rest of the very sizeable list is dedicated to improvements and fixes.  Here are a few that I found notable and some thoughts:

  • Fixers will now message V less with offers to purchase a vehicle.  (Poor V's phone needs a break from all those messages.  No Wako, V doesn't want to buy your weird, little clown car!)
  • It's now possible to upgrade crafting components in bulk. (Now I don't have to click 5483758 times to create legendary components.  Praise baby Jesus.)
  • Detection time of enemies now depends on game difficulty. Enemies on Easy and Normal difficulties will now detect the player slower. Enemies on Very Hard difficulty will now detect the player faster. (Sneaky, sneaky times are going to be harder on higher difficulties--I'm curious about how much harder it will be...)
  • Enemies on Very Hard difficulty (and only that difficulty alone) will now be more aggressive when searching around when they are in the "Alerted" state. (I'm not sure what this means--more running around?  Maybe some aggressive, random shooting?)
  • Added more crafting specs for cyberware mods. (I didn't realize that ripperdocs sold cyberware mods until my third playthrough--it's very poorly explained.  Being able to craft your own is awesome)
  • Optical Camo cyberware will now be available for purchase from Ripperdocs. (Sneaky, sneaky times just got sneaky-sneakier--I'm sure this will offer a brief window of total invisibility)
  • Fixed an issue where crafting specs from clothing stores were available only during the first visit to a vendor. (Pretty sure I had this problem because I rarely encountered new plans.  Crafting clothing is a bit of a mixed bag, but I love cosmetic items, so bring on more plans.)
  • Fixed various unlootable items.  (There's nothing more irritating that not being able to loot every useless piece of junk in the game.  I will loot all the ashtrays and stress balls.  I hope this also includes issues where dropped weapons would sometimes be unlootable in the Badlands)
  • Fixed appearance of a junk item. (I'm guessing this is a sex item because this description if very vague)
  • Traffic vehicles will now honk after hitting V. (Yep, getting honked at AFTER being hit is important.  I would much rather have better pathing for NPC vehicles, but honking is a step in...a direction)
  • Fixed an issue where V could be launched into the air when attempting to jump through or climb various terrains throughout Night City. (I encountered this several times and it's one bug that I'm very glad is being smashed.  It was annoying finding yourself suddenly flung a sizeable distance from your location)
  • Improved framerate consistency, resulting in fewer hitches and spikes, especially during combat. (Optimization is always welcome)
  • Fixed an issue where interrupted holocall would resume along with another call, which could make the NPC appear in other calls and break the next holocall from that NPC. (I also encountered this bug and it completely messed up a sequence of missions in Watson--glad it's being fixed)
  • A gift from Judy can now be found in V's apartment after player receives a text about it after completing her romance side quests. (Finally!  Ya'll know how I feel about Judy--there's not enough Judy--and I was bummed that her "gift" never appears in V's apartment.  Now, what about the promised "stills" from her text messages, huh?)
I'm trying to avoid reading comments, but my guess is that people will be upset that the DLC isn't more substantial.  I don't remember the free DLC from The Witcher 3 being anything too big--I think there was a new quest added (the one with the cursed pig villagers) and mostly smaller cosmetic types of changes (alternate outfits for Triss and Yennefer; improved Gwent artwork).  The rest of the list is sorely needed bug/glitch fixes (which should hopefully alleviate some griping).

UPDATE (8/18/21):
Patch 1.3 is live!  Get to downloading!

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