Sunday, June 26, 2016

Half Magic, Half Terror

One of the few magical times of year is finally here!  Not only is it summer (the most magical time for teachers!) but it's also time for the excitement and wallet-burning fervor that is the Steam Summer Sale.  I always go into Steam Sale week with the mentality that I will be a cautious buyer and not start clicking away like mad.  The sad part is that I always fail--even with the new, much less pressuring format of the modern Steam Sale (the old school countdown timers were my ultimate downfall).

I am enjoying the very cute-sy picnic theme for the sale...happy little popcorn and hot dogs enjoying a multitude of summer activities.  But who cares about stupid cartoon popcorn...we all know it's really the slashed prices on games that matter.  I've picked up a veritable menagerie of games that really don't seem to have any rhyme or reason to them.  The good news is that the most I've spent on one game is $15.  There are some AAA titles on sale, but not discounted enough for my tastes (, there really aren't any triple A games that I'm interested in right now).  The bad news is that I went into this sale feeling like I needed something new to play--a feeling akin to going to the grocery store when you're hungry...everything looks delicious and you wind up buying way more than you intended to.

Here are my purchases so far...(and hopefully for the rest of the sale!  God willing...)

1.) The Banner Saga Bundle (Store Page)....I greatly enjoy turn-based RPG's and have heard that this is a fun one.  Plus, I like vikings and the art style looks awesome.  I've read that it's kind of flawed....but VIKINGS!  The bundle included both the first game and the fairly-newish second game.

2.) The Walking Dead:  Michonne (Store Page)--As a fan of TWD (who is still peeved about the ending of the TV series--but also of the comics) I felt inclined to pick this one up.  I generally try to get TellTale games during sales.  They aren't the kind of thing that you're going to replay for hundreds of hours and not really worth paying full price.  Sure, their formula is pretty tried and true (and some would argue stale) but I enjoy a good story and Michonne is one of the more interesting characters in TWD universe.

Soon to be cruising the roads o' Europe.
3.)  European Truck Simulator Bundle (Store Page)--I don't secretly yearn to drive a big-rig or anything like that, but I've read a lot of good things about the truck simulator games.  There's something peaceful in the thought of hitting the virtual open roads and cruising Europe....and creating a trucking monolith that dominates trade!  Unbeknownst to me (I didn't read the whole description for the bundle) it included the original game a bunch of other spinoffs...there's a bus game, a tractor-trailer one, and enough DLC paint job packs to keep your trucks looking spiffy.

4.) American Truck Simulator (Store Page)--So, I also couldn't pass up the opportunity to virtually drive trucks in the United States.  Really hoping that I like these games......

5.) Undertale (Store Page)--This one has sat on my wishlist for a long time.  I had heard very good things about it from students, but was hesitant to dive into something that seemed so....trendy.  I'm hoping it's as quirky and fun as I've been told.

6.) Subnautica (Store Page)--I generally give early access games a very wide berth, but I can't help but be intrigued by this game.  It looks really dive, build things, explore, and probably get eaten by a multitude of sea creatures.  I don't think I've ever played a game that has been set completely underwater. I've just greatly increased my backlog and have several other regretful purchases reminding me of bad choices in past sales.  As a final note...explore your discovery queue every day and cash in those 3 free trading cards.  The few cents you get for each card can add up over the course of the sale and you might save enough to buy a cheap game.  (On a side note:  My discovery queue is really weird.  There are some RPG's, but I also seem to be getting a lot of anime games--including the weird, boob punching ones.  C'mon Steam...the only anime game I played was Chronicles of Valkyria and it was totally G-rated family fun.  I think they need to adjust their algorithm).

Happy purchasing (and then later, the buyers remorse :P)!


Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dishonored 2 Gameplay Trailer from E3

Besides the very exciting new gameplay trailer from Mass Effect:  Andromeda, we also got a brand new video for Dishonored 2.  Unlike Andromeda, Dishonored 2 is slated to come out this year...yay!  Here's the new video for your viewing pleasure:

So, it looks like Dunwall is still the same ol' politically charged murder-fest that it was in the first game.  But it looks like those murders are going to happen with some spiffy new abilities--like the foggy/shadowy go-go gadget arms that seem to allow you to grab a guard from far away or the time warping ability that lets you pause and shoot.  I had read that Emily wouldn't have exactly the same abilities as Corvo (seeing as how Corvo had that extra special relationship with the Outsider--who, surprisingly, appears in this video) but her abilities appear to be at least inspired by his.  For the most part it doesn't look like the gameplay will be changing drastically.

The people who appear in the video also leave some room for speculation.  There are some strange masked people--(maybe more creepy city guards?), a woman who looks an awful lot like one of the Brigmore witches, and several shots of those weird, robotic sentinels that we initially saw in a trailer from E3 last year.  These characters suggest an interesting stew of issues and people who could really spice up a second game.  Oh, and the Outsider!  He's apparently still poking his bizarre black eyes into the business of the denizens of Dunwall.

Now that E3 is over we can stop "oohing" and "aahing" over all the smokin' trailers for these upcoming games and put in some serious time on our backlogs.  But all that stabbing....damn.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

MASS EFFECT™: ANDROMEDA Official EA Play 2016 Video--Woot!

If you're not a big follower of gaming news then you probably didn't know that E3 is currently happening.  Lots of important gaming news related to some of our favorite games from EA has been popping up.  Today this marvelous new Mass Effect: Andromeda video popped up....and wow, it's exciting!

While it's a pretty short video there's room for plenty of speculation about what appears in those two minutes.  Firstly, did you catch a glimpse of the ship?  I caught the name Tempest, which seems a little odd.  Aren't Alliance ships usually named after important military engagements?  But check out the silhouette!  There are definite shades of the Normandy, but also a much sleeker, streamlined design.  We've already seen hints of the galaxy map from other videos, but the interior of the ship looks just as impressive.

The exploration theme has already been widely bandied about, but this video re-ignited the idea of roaming across a vastly undiscovered galaxy.  It's nice to see the old familiar pre-fab space structures from the previous games mixed in with new creatures and landscapes.  While I've been a little bit skeptical about the whole "discovery" theme, this made me think that it could work and be really interesting.  Maybe a shift away from the constant "crisis" theme of the series will be a positive move.

It was also nice to see a smiling Asari face.  Sure, it's not one of the old tried and true crewmates, but someone new!  BioWare is so good at creating memorable characters and I can't wait to meet some of the new ones--especially this interesting Asari with the face paint.

There are tons of quick shots of combat--it looks like it will follow the model from Mass Effect 3.  To me, Mass Effect was never really about the combat.  It's kind of fun, but Mass Effect has always been about the story.  Maybe we'll see some new classes?

The part of the video that most intrigues me is the very end.  We see a female character (our new FemShep variation maybe?) who appears to be waking up.  There might be some hints about some major ME3 lore holes--namely the destruction of the mass relays.  To me it seemed like this character was waking up from some sort of cryo/suspended state.  Since Andromeda is taking place in a different galaxy, maybe the absence of the mass relays isn't going to matter much.

We've heard very little about Andromeda, so it's pretty exciting to have a new tidbit.  I've been concerned over the seemingly large number of BioWare people who have moved on to other projects.  It makes you wonder....  For now, I'm just going to ride the wave of happy thoughts about this latest trailer.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Sunny Toussaint

Summer is almost upon us.  For me, and the millions of teachers out there, this is a magical time.  The long awaited break from the chaos is now within reach (and possibly already here for many).  On a gaming front, this is a time where I try to figure out where I want to spend my time adventuring.  I've been restlessly hopping from one game to the next and haven't really been able to settle on one.  Fortunately the last expansion for The Witcher 3, was released this week and has sucked me right back into the world of monster slaying and Gwent playing.  Blood and Wine looks to be the solution to my gaming unease and I'm enjoying being back in the gorgeous world of The Witcher.

Toussaint is a nice visual change from the other zones.
Blood and Wine adds a brand new zone to the already massive world of The Witcher 3.  Toussaint is a region that seems to be inspired by a combination of Italy and France.  Vineyards filled with laboring peasants dot the landscape and knights errant wander the countryside searching for noble quests to undertake.  There's a hint of humor at the concept of these almost cheesy knights with their overly flowery speech and damsel saving.  Toussaint is a fairy tale kingdom nestled into the corner of a dreary, war-torn's a huge change from the familiar zones.  Geralt meets two puffed up knights in Velen who are "saving" some peasants from a gang of bandits.  After fighting off the rabble and listening to an extremely drawn out formal request for help, the knights set off for Toussaint.  As the small party rides into this new zone I was immediately impressed by the blue skies and verdant, green landscape.  No depressing, creepy swamps to trek through!  Yes!

Unfortunately, I haven't really had a lot of time to dedicate to Blood and Wine.  I've barely dipped my toes into the new world but am extremely excited to be playing one of my favorite games.  Even without fully experiencing everything that Blood and Wine has to offer I can tell you that spending the cash for this expansion will be worth it.  This isn't your traditional "2 hours of extra gameplay!  Some new outfits!" DLC....  Toussaint is filled with new locations to explore and old pastimes to take up--namely lots of monster slaying and gwent playing.

Here are some of the highlights that I have experienced so far.  I will try to avoid any major spoilers!

New Monsters--Alright, some of them aren't totally new.  Players of the earlier games in the series will recognize some familiar fangs and feelers....  Remember those devilish plants, the archespores, from The Witcher?  They're back and they are some tricky little buggers.  Beside shooting projectiles at you, now they also sprout blooms that blow up if you move too close to them.  I would advise maneuvering carefully and hacking down the blooms whenever possible.  Players will also recognize the familiar demon hounds, barghests, which we gleefully slew in droves while freeing the outskirts of Vizimia from the clutches of the infamous Beast (or the evil of man).  There are also some rightly new monsters like scurvers which seem to be the new and improved version of rotfiends.

Old Friends--No expansion would be complete without the reappearance of a favorite from a previous game or, in this case, novel.  Fans of the novel will recognize one of the major characters from the books as one of the central characters of the main questline that is part of the DLC.  I won't give it away, but let's just say that this person's reappearance will come as a bit of a shock to anyone who has read all the books in the series (which, sadly, I have not.  The last book still has to be translated into English.).  Needless to say, this character is a good one regardless of your knowledge of the novels.

New Gwent!  Because you can never get enough gwent.  One of the very first quests I stumbled upon was an introduction to a brand new gwent deck--Skellige.  The Skellige deck is fun to play and depending on your draw, can be really overpowering.  One of the most powerful cards in the deck is Cerys an Craite.  Cerys is a hero card with the muster ability.  The best part is that her muster ability calls forth cards that have a cooperative bonus and their attack power is tripled (once you've won all the shield maiden cards that is).  Another unique ability of the deck is the ability to play berserkers which, on their own, are pretty weak.  However, players can play a Mardroeme card which will morph those berserkers into powerful bears which greatly increases their attack power.  The deck also adds a powerful new weather card, Skellige Storm, that combines both the ranged and siege blocking abilities of impenetrable fog and torrential rain.  While playing this deck is a joy, countering it is a pain.  I would recommend scorch and cards like Villentretenmeth to counter Cerys's OP-ness.  There's also another gwent tournament to enter and win.

Player Housing--This is a bit of a spoiler...sorry.  After completing a few early quests in the main questline you will earn the deed to Geralt's very own estate and vineyard.  It's a little ramshackle, but with lots of coin and some TLC players can re-hab this broken down house into a gorgeous villa and farm with a myriad of items to give it that special witcher-y touch.  Have you always wanted a special place to display your beautiful armors and weapons?  Well, now you have that.  There's something fun about imagining your character settling down into the home you've made for them.  I can fully imagine Geralt and Triss settling down into this happy little home.

Even if you don't invest in the Blood and Wine expansion there have been some great changes to the UI for the base game.  I immediately noticed the much more organized inventory screen that breaks items into much easier to find categories.  Attacking on horseback has also gotten much easier with the addition of slow motion attacks--no more whiffing while on horseback.

I'm going to be investing much more time into Geralt's adventures in Toussaint and fully enjoy it.  The Witcher 3 looks to be the final entry in the Witcher series and I am saddened that I won't get to have any more adventures with Geralt, Ciri, Dandelion, Zoltan, Triss, Yen, and the rest of the cast of unique characters of that world.

Now, back to slaying!