Saturday, December 27, 2014

An Awesome Holiday Idea

I can't believe the things that modders come up with--they usually vary from being something really awesome to something absolutely ridiculous.  I'm not sure this is a mod but it is an extremely goofy idea.  This was a three part article in PC Gamer...I'll link all three parts so you can read them yourselves (Part 1Part 2Part 3).

Basically this guy had the brilliant idea of playing Santa Claus in Skyrim.  He decided that he would take one in-game night to deliver presents to all the NPC's.  If you're thinking that would be impossible or that there is a huge number of NPC's you're not that far off.  There are 115 NPC's listed on the Skyrim wiki, but he decided to use his own system to visit them.  No visits to people living in caves and he was going to hit all the store owners and others who lived above their businesses.  But what about the time factor?  We all know that Santa has some special magical powers in order to deliver presents to kids all around the world, so it only makes sense that Skyrim Santa also possesses some unique abilities.  Using a mod that changes the speed at which characters move through the world allowed Santa superhero-esque running abilities that result in hilarious deaths (see below).

So maybe the superhero speed is a little too dangerous.  How about a super-fast flying reindeer mount?  That should get the job done.  Great!  Oh and Santa also needs some crazy strength to carry around enough presents for all these people.  Done.  There's one important fact that I didn't think about while reading this article.  The plan was to deliver the presents overnight and most residents of the Skyrim world like to retire to their cozy homes with the doors locked.  They don't really appreciate it when you come flying through their front doors--even if you are a super cool Altmer Kriss Krynn-Gul whose only intention is to leave presents like axes and ingots.  The result is numerous town guards trying to murder a beloved holiday figure.

This is such a ridiculous idea, but I was laughing throughout the entire article.  A great idea to keep a game interesting.  I wonder if this could be a competitive thing next year?  See who could deliver presents the fastest....or PvP Santa action.  That'd be awesome.

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