Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Feeling that itch...

Not that you pervert!  World of Warcraft is set to release it's next expansion Warlords of Draenor on November 13th.  As a former WoW addict the mere mention of a brand new x-pac is enough to make me feel oddly squirmy. I want to Google things.  Thus far I have managed to restrain myself.  I'm holding stong with over a year of WoW sobriety.

There are a few new features that have peaked my interest.  A student and I were discussing the promotional offer of immediately being able to make a character level 90 (the new level cap).  I think Blizzard is trying to lure back some of it's lost subscribers who have experience but grew tired of WoW.  My student made a good point about this being very detrimental to new players.  Imagine a bunch of brand new players who haven't had 90 levels in which to learn the game, their class, and other basics. That sounds like a really crappy end-game scenario.  I always liked doing the quests and getting a feel for the new zones so moving directly into end-game stuff isn't very appealing to me.

New character models.  After ten years Blizzard has decided to update the look of the chatacters.  I've liked what I've seen.  WoW still maintains it's slightly cartoonish models, but refines them.  The faces seem more expressive.

100% sexier gnomes.
Player housing.  I guess Blizzard finally caved on this one and decided to add the ability for players to have their own personal fortresses.  This seems really cool.  You can recruit NPC's to man your fortress, improve it through quests, and establish trade routes.

"Flexible questing."  I'm not sure I fully understand how this is changing, but it sounds like you can unlock more quests by completing quests.  It is also stated that any quests have a chance to reward rare or epic items.  This would be awesome for someone like me who enjoys doing quests.

I won't be going back to WoW as much as I would like to.  I am curious to hear about the number of subscribers.  If you choose to go back to WoW I hope you have a great time.  

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