Monday, October 6, 2014

Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Stealth or shoot--you choose.

I love it when games give you choices about how you can play.  Deus Ex:  Human Revolution is a great example of a game that lets you choose your playstyle.  Deus Ex is a fun game, but it has its imperfections.

What's awesome about Deus Ex:  Human Revolution:
1.) The future.  Deus Ex takes place in the near future and makes it seem really cool.  There's all kinds of new technology--from weapons to vehicles.  Everything looks futuristic, but believable.

2.) The social complexities in the story.  A huge part of the plot in Deus Ex is the conflict between humans who have chosen (or in Adam, the main character's case, been forced) to become "augmented" and those who haven't and are opposed to the technology.  "Augmentation" in Deus Ex means the use of almost cybernetic technology to aid or improve humanity.  It can be beneficial or used for more sinister means--like creating super soldiers.  It's way more complicated than simply getting an augmented leg if you're an amputee.  Most people who undergo augmentation have to take expensive medications so that their bodies won't reject the implants.  Not everyone can afford them.  Then there's the basic issue of holding onto humanity--are you really human if you're mostly made up of cybernetic parts?  What happens when people want to use this technology for evil rather than good?

3.) Choose how you play (mostly).  Depending on your play style you can choose to be a stealthy infiltrator or a guns blazing type of hero.  A stealthy player will try to sneak past enemies and hack into security to advance through levels.  A guns-blazing player will still have to utilize some stealth, but shoots first and sneaks later.  You can also choose to be merciful and use non-lethal methods (stun gun, tranquilizer darts) to take down your enemies or you can use your skills to kill them.  The talent system allows you to pick the best skills for your chosen style.  Bosses do have to be killed, but there's an achievement for not killing anyone in the game.  There are also dialogue and story options that allow you to choose what happens.  In one mission you are given the option of trying to rescue some hostages or just leaving them and advancing on.   Adam can be a coldblooded killer or a merciful soldier--it's up to you.

4.) Combat.  It's very clear that the focus in this game is combat.  Sneaking is very intense and I found myself holding my breath a lot hoping that guards wouldn't see me.  The actual fighting can be quite fun--gunning down terrorists or augmented gang members is made even better by your augmentations.

What's not so awesome:
1.) Glitchy animations/camera angles.  I am thinking of one cutscene/dialogue scene in particular--the one where Adam is talking to David Sarif in his office.  The camera keeps hopping around and the animations are weird.

2.) Short.  I feel like Deus Ex was a little on the short side.  But maybe that's just me.

Overall, Deus Ex:  Human Revolution is a worthwhile purchase.  Especially since you can get it at a pretty low price since it's a couple of years old.    It's got an engaging and cool story, fun stealth and combat (and hacking!), and a very fashionable picture of the future.

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