Saturday, June 1, 2024

Looting all the Loots

After a recent update to fix a number of issues related to the "next gen" update to Fallout 4, I decided that it was time to revisit the wastes.  So far, I've had basically no issues (other than some minor stuttering), so it seems like some of the stability issues have been addressed.  The Fallout games have seen a boost in player activity due to the popularity of the Amazon Prime series with the much maligned Fallout 76 seeing a big boost.  It's a good time to be a Fallout fan!

My experiences thus far haven't deviated much from any of my prior playthroughs.  I haven't noticed any fabulous graphical updates and decided not to mess with any settings.  The one major difference is the numerous missions which are now available to all players but were once feel in the domain of the "creators club" (or whatever they called their paid mod service).  There are several and I haven't dipped my toes into them yet--one of them looks to introduce a fancy new set of Enclave X-02 power armor, so I'm definitely going to pursue it.

One of my hideous creations.
I wish I could report that I chose to dramatically change my playstyle, but alas, no dice there.  I honestly feel like I picked pretty useless combat talents in the name of loot-based skills (like picking locks and hacking) and have been getting blasted more than I remember (especially by super mutants).  I've been trying to grab a few more combat talents to make things less painful.

I'm also building plenty of horribly ugly structures in my settlements.  I seriously should watch some videos about how not to make your structures look like complete garbage.  It's the apocalypse though, so who really cares?

It's the perfect time to give the Fallout games a revisit--so go out there and loot al that useless junk that you plan on turning into a truly hideous, mechanically unrealistic structure.

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