Saturday, May 11, 2024

Hi-Fi Disappointment--The Corporate Gaming Downsizing Strikes Again

Just last week I finished my first playthrough of the highly enjoyable rhythm/fighting game mashup Hi-Fi Rush.  Heck, I enjoyed it so much and found the robot cat companion 808 to be so cute that I even ordered a t-shirt from the official Bethesda store.  (*Here's where I'd like to interject that even though I ordered said shirt a week ago, it still hasn't shipped--there was a message that said they were updating their systems and that shipping could be delayed, so I suppose patience is warranted) So with all this in mind, it was a huge bummer when news broke this week that Microsoft decided to slash the staff at several Bethesda studios (you can read this article for details).  Sadly, these cuts include Tango Gameworks, the developers behind Hi-Fi Rush.

808, Chai's adorable robot cat companion.
I'm really disappointed because I was anticipating a sequel.  It's doubly disappointing because Hi-Fi Rush has been lauded by fans and critics as a great game.  Apparently it doesn't matter how good or how loved a game is if it doesn't move the requisite number of units that the gaming mega-corporations require.  This also follows an unfortunate pattern of companies being swallowed up by the corporate overlords (your Microsofts and Activisions) and then immediately slashing all but the biggest titles.  It's specifically mentioned that they hope to focus on Bethesda's flagship titles (Fallout....and I suppose Starfield even though I've heard pretty lackluster feedback about it).

I suppose that I shouldn't be surprised by this fact because this pattern seems to keep occurring.  That doesn't mean that it's any less disappointing.  I feel bad for all the people who worked at Tango Gameworks and who are now out of a job (Arkane Austin--makers of the bomb that is Redfall also got axed).

RIP Tango Gameworks--for this gamer you made a game that was truly enjoyable and unique.  I was looking forward to another adventure with Chai and the rest of the team!  I will wear my 808 t-shirt (someday...when I finally receive it) with great pride in your honor.

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