Thursday, April 23, 2015

Still Rockin' in Los Santos.

I tried to squeeze in a few hours of Grand Theft Auto V last night, but my cat had other ideas.  She parked her furry little cat face right in front of my monitor in protest of her recent neglect due to gaming (in her cat mind she's neglected--in real life she's spoiled rotten).  I managed to entertain her long enough so that she would leave me along and plunged back into the sprawling world of GTA V.

Trevor meets the Thornhill's.
Trevor is a pretty interesting character.  I am enjoying his very psychopathic side and willingness to engage with the wide variety of weirdo's scattered throughout Los Santos.  My personal favorite whack jobs are the Thornhills.  I never expected that part of my GTA experience would be helping some crazy old people stalk celebrities.  As Trevor careened through the city killing bodyguards and stealing underwear all I could do was laugh as the chaos unfolded.  The Thornhill missions culminated last night with a mission to help them kidnap a famous actor so they could "just sit and talk."  Then I had to figure out if I wanted to "get rid" of him or release him into the wild.....a few thousand bucks richer.  I let the poor guy go...he may be a celebrity idiot, but he doesn't deserve to get smashed by a train.  Plus I made $5000 from the deal.

I spent most of my non-cat intruded time playing as Trevor.  Trevor and his meth-head lackeys are in the process of scouting out a mysterious cargo ship that is docked in the Los Santos harbor.  It's heavily guarded so it has to contain something valuable.  The plan involves using a helicopter and a submersible to steal whatever is currently hidden below decks.  Stealing the helicopter was an adventure.  I had Trevor ram his way through the front gate of the military base and speed to the landing pad.  As I tried to navigate him away from the legion of soldiers trying to prevent him from stealing the cargo helicopter from directly off the landing pad I watched helplessly as Trevor became a bullet magnet.  I managed to get the helicopter off the ground and evade the angry military helicopter that chased me for some distance.  Then I headed off to the docks to steal a submarine.

I'm curious to see how this crazy heist turns out,  A helicopter, submarine, and a's going to be magic.

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