Friday, August 29, 2014

"The Walking Dead" Season 2, Episode 5

Oof...another emotional gut punch from Telltale's "The Walking Dead."  It seems like every episode just builds you up and then smashes you right where it counts.  I finished episode 5 yesterday with two different save files and two totally different outcomes.

Now, I know that there is probably no one reading this.  If you are reading this and haven't finished it, stop reading NOW!  The entire rest of this post will be about episode 5 and it's ending.  Spoilers ahead!

The episode opens with the raging gun battle between Clem's group and Arvo's.  Clem hits the dirt and both groups continue firing.  The player is then faced with a tough decision--the baby is laying on the ground in the middle of the fighting, you can crawl over and save him or you can run to hide behind a wall with Luke and take cover.  (I was not surprised to see that almost 90% of players chose to save the baby--the other 10%, really?  You would leave it?). I discovered that no matter which option you choose the baby is saved--either by you or Luke.  Luke takes a bullet to the leg and things start to look really dire for the survivors.  Kenny manages to save Luke from getting shot in the face with a shotgun. One gunmen remains and it doesn't look like anyone can hit him, then you hear him making an odd gurgling noise.  Someone stabbed him in the neck.  It's Jane--she's back and basically the savior of the group.

From here the survivors round up Arvo (after Kenny smacks him around some--looks like Kenny's issue sre still there)--the only survivor from his group--say a quick goodbye to Rebecca and decide to trust Arvo's claim that the Russians have a safe house with food and supplies only a short distance away.  During the walk, Clem and Jane discuss the reasons for Jane's departure and then sudden (but awesome) return.  Jane still seems a little shady and untrustworthy.  What's to stop her from leaving again?  The group walks until dark and Arvo informs them that this supposed house is still far away.  The group decides to spend the night at an abandoned electrical station.  Clem urges everyone to make it a nice, quiet night with no drama.

The sequence at the electrical outpost seems to be about rebuilding the group dynamic.  The whole group doesn't really trust Jane and Kenny is still having the occasional psychotic outburst.  Who should fix it?  Clem should fix it.  Part of our task is to convince Jane and Kenny to hang out with the group and be friendly.  It finally seems like things are coming together--everyone sits around the fire, jokes, and is generally having a nice time.

Your trek to the safehouse continues the next day.  Kenny relentlessly harasses Arvo during the trip.  The group finally gets within visual distance of the house and realizes two very important things:  1.) The house isn't actually completed--it's being constructed.  2.) They will need to cross a large frozen pond to get there.  Ice...we all know how this is going to end.  The group ventures onto the ice and makes it most of way before things start to go wrong.  Arvo decides to make a dash across the ice, it breaks but he only partially falls in, and Kenny manages to catch him and get to shore.  The rest of the group follows but now the ice seems a lot weaker.  Clem notices cracks in the ice.  Then, you hear louder cracks and see that Luke has completely stopped and that the ice is not going to bear his weight.  Oh, and a pack of the undead have managed to catch up to you and are adding to the stress on the ice.  The ice cracks and Luke's legs fall through the ice.  He's hanging on, but you have to choose--does Clem venture out onto the ice to help him or does she cover him while he attempts to pull himself out?

On my first playthrough I chose to have Clem cover him--he's yelling at you to do it, it seems like a good option.  Clem shoots down the zombies, but Bonnie refuses to leave Luke and tries to help.  The ice cracks and they both fall through.  You see Luke come up under the ice near you and you can have Clem attempt to break it and save him.  Clem falls in as well--Luke dies, but Bonnie manages to get out.  Jane pulls you out and rushes you to the house.  Second playthrough I chose to have Clem help Luke.  The ice breaks and Clem falls through.  There are zombies in the pond and they pull Clem down, Luke is able to help her get free, but another zombie pulls him down.  It's a sad sequence watching Luke slowly sink out of sight.  I liked Luke--he was a good character.  Someone to trust and who kept the peace.  Again, you are rescued by Jane and rushed to the house.

I think I'll post about the rest later.  This is getting long.  And I'm sad about Luke.

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